In charging the battery it really looks as if I will need a new one. The present on is generic car battery, size group 51, 450 amps. The local parts supply has something similar, Group size 51R, 450CCA.
Given that the 950cc guzzi motor is a long way from the battery, a large battery with big cables just seems sensible and it always started before its layup.
I would appreciate any guidance or recommendations, thanks, Simon
1984 Series 1, number 35.
New Battery
Re: New Battery
I just happen to have mine out (from T1 Chassis no 21) at the moment...
- Posts: 806
- Joined: Wed Sep 26, 2018 2:44 pm
- Location: Biggleswade
Re: New Battery
I use one 33AmpHr Gel [155 x 130 x 195mm] with handle and fixings into the top on 1100 EV engined T3.
Re: New Battery
Bought on Ebay from Tanya Batteries £87.99.
No problems.
No problems.